Category Archives: News

Carnegie’s usage keeps going up…

In our August 2013 Newsletter I reported statistics of library usage showing the numbers of visitors and issues in each location gave a picture at Carnegie of continued improvement.  For example, there were 200 more visits in October 2012 than October 2011, and 580 more in April 2013 than April 2012.

There were also more issues and a marked increase in Continue reading Carnegie’s usage keeps going up…

First Draft: Lambeth new playwriting competition

First DraftSixteen Feet Productions present an opportunity for aspiring and emerging writers to showcase new work. They welcome submissions from anyone who lives, works or studies in Lambeth.

There is a category for young writers of 21 and under.

The selected plays will be rehearsed with a professional cast and director and staged as part of the Lambeth Readers and writers Festival on 30th and 31st May 2014 in the new performance space  at the Library Building, Clapham. Continue reading First Draft: Lambeth new playwriting competition