Category Archives: News

Report from 2015 AGM

Thanks to everyone that came to our AGM on the 18th March, there were over 70 people there, the largest AGM we have had. By a large majority, attendees approved the nominated committee and our plans for opposing Lambeth Council's library closures and cuts, and our plans for a community-led management of the library in case Lambeth goes ahead with cuts to the Carnegie.

Apart from completing the Lambeth consultation to oppose the closures, you can also help our campaign by emailing Lambeth at to tell them why you oppose their proposals, and sign the libraries petition at: libraries petition

It may also be useful to email the Herne Hill councillors:
Herne Hill councillors
and the prospective parliamentary candidates for Dulwich and West Norwood, to ask them to oppose the cuts:
Helen Hayes, Labour Party,
Rashid Nix, Green Party,
Resham Kotecha, Conservative Party. There will be an election hustings organised by the Herne Hill Forum on Thursday 16th April.

The FoCL committee have put together some guidelines for responding to the consultation: CULTURE 2020 CONSULTATION Guidelines.

Please watch this site for further news and updates on the campaign.

Friends of Carnegie Library AGM – Wednesday 18th March 7pm

Dear FriendsAGM

The Annual General Meeting of Friends of Carnegie Library will be held on Wednesday 18 March at 6.30 for 7.00 in the Gallery.

With the current threats posed to the library service throughout Lambeth by the Council’s proposed Cultural Strategy 2020 (see link below), it is essential for the membership to discuss and agree the way forward.

please see the posting entitled Campaign News on the Friends website by clicking here.

We are looking to recruit to the committee so if anyone is interested in standing a nomination form can be download by clicking here. To see job descriptions associated with the various committee post click here.

The quorum for the AGM is 20, but considering the importance of current issues, and the high turnout at the special membership meetings of 30 July and 19 November last year, a high attendance will be expected.

I hope to see you there

Jeff Doorn,

Chair, Friends of Carnegie Library

Communication from the Chair of the Friends to all members

exclamation markA Project Group was set up initially with Friends support, but later excluded the Friends.  Having completed their options exercise, they should now disband.  However, they have formed an unaccountable shadow trust board, run by a self-appointed trio, with the aim of taking over the Carnegie Library building.  Their plans are unworkable and would result in closure of the library and loss by the community of our public building.  Click on the link below to view a full report prepared by a former Chair of our group which explains the issues.

A Review of the Carnegie Project Group

or here for summary of the report

Review of the Carnegie Project Group (Summary)