The SE5 Forum was formed in 2006 to work for the improvement of Camberwell. A current project is Community Networking, to support Tenants and Residents Associations, Friends of Libraries, and Friends of Parks groups, and to facilitate networking and sharing of expertise between groups. Continue reading Workshop on Fund-raising Techniques – Saturday 22nd March
Category Archives: News
A proposed new U3A in the Dulwich area – meeting Tuesday 18th March at Dulwich Library
The University of the Third Age (U3A) movement is an unique and exciting organisation which provides, through its U3As, life-enhancing and life-changing opportunities. Retired and semi-retired people come together and learn together, not for qualifications but for its own reward: the sheer joy of discovery!
Members share their skills and life experiences: the learners teach and the teachers learn, and there is no distinction between them.
All welcome to a meeting... Continue reading A proposed new U3A in the Dulwich area – meeting Tuesday 18th March at Dulwich Library
Notice of Annual General Meeting
The 16th Annual General Meeting of the Friends of Carnegie Library will be held in the Gallery at Carnegie Library, 188 Herne Hill Road, London SE24 0AG on Thursday 20th March 2014.
This AGM is particularly important. Continue reading Notice of Annual General Meeting
Lambeth’s New Approach to Fees and Charges: A Survey
Lambeth Council, like all other councils faced with severe central government cuts, is looking for sensible ways to save money and raise income. The Council is conducting a co-operative review of the charges it makes for cultural services (Leisure, Parks & Libraries). Your views are invited. Please read the short discussion paper (hard copies in the library) and take a couple of minutes to complete the questionnaire - it’s only 6 questions. The deadline is Friday 7th March...
Cultural charges feedback questionnaire »
Continue reading Lambeth’s New Approach to Fees and Charges: A Survey
Friends of Ruskin Park Photography Competition 2014
The Friends of Ruskin Park are delighted to announce the launch of their second annual photography competition, sponsored by Hunters, Camberwell’s expert local estate agents. The theme for 2014 is ‘Ruskin Park Portraits’.
Competition organiser vice chair David Whyte came up with the idea as a way to get the local community more involved in enjoying and caring for Herne Hill’s much-loved green space. The park itself was named after the prominent local art critic, social thinker and philanthropist, John Ruskin (1819-1900). Continue reading Friends of Ruskin Park Photography Competition 2014
Opportunity for self motivated, self starter
The Carnegie Library Project Group is looking for a self-employed, self-starter to help it turn the page at the Carnegie Library in Herne Hill. Can you help?
The Carnegie Project Group has some funding from Lambeth Council to help it to come up with some ideas for increasing community uses in the Carnegie Library building. An architect has been appointed to develop some options for how the building could be used, while keeping a library at its heart. There is some funding to put toward restoring and upgrading the building into something the community can use more. Continue reading Opportunity for self motivated, self starter