Rory Cellan-Jones

Ruskin Park: Sylvia, Me and the BBC

Tuesday 14 May, 7 - 8:30pm at the library

Rory knew he was the child of a brief love affair between two unmarried BBC employees, but until his mother died and he found a previously unknown file labelled ‘For Rory’ he had no idea of its beginning or ending, or why his peculiarly isolated childhood had so tested the bond between him and his mother.

This is an emotionally gripping account of what Rory uncovered in the papers, letters and diaries; a relationship between two romantics and the restrictive forces of post-war respectability and prejudice.

Rory did not meet his father until much later, in adulthood. Until then his life was bound to the one-bedroom flat he shared with his mother in Ruskin Park.

Rory Cellan-Jones was the BBC’s principal technology correspondent until 2021. He now writes an influential Substack column on medical innovation and tech.

Admission free

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Presented by Friends of Carnegie Library in co-operation with Lambeth Library Services