Residents object to Lambeth’s library plans

A 'Community Liaison' meeting on 20th July between Herne Hill Councillors, Helen Hayes MP and residents living near the Carnegie Library gave local people their first opportunity in a public meeting to express opposition to the library redevelopment as a gym with 'neighbourhood library'. Residents had not been consulted on these plans except via the planning application - where 300 objections were recorded.

Councillor Dickson repeated the assertion that the redevelopment would save money in the long term - although no income from the gym will go to the library until 2023, and its viability has never been justified. After long delays, the development schedule is now being pressed at full speed, with basement excavation + building work from 8am to 6pm on weekdays, 8am to 1pm on Saturdays -- for 7 months.

Minutes of the August CLG are here.

One thought on “Residents object to Lambeth’s library plans

  1. Just to say sorry to read on the Herne Hill Forum newsletter that excavations due to begin this month despite contract with GLL yet to be finalised. Also, saw item on Ch4 news this week about North Kensington Library having similar battle with K&C council. Wondered if you had been in touch with them and indeed Jon Snow and Ch4 who seem to be running with K&C stories at the moment within the bigger story about `gentrification’ of London boroughs.
    Good wishes.

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