Communication from the Chair of the Friends to all members

exclamation markA Project Group was set up initially with Friends support, but later excluded the Friends.  Having completed their options exercise, they should now disband.  However, they have formed an unaccountable shadow trust board, run by a self-appointed trio, with the aim of taking over the Carnegie Library building.  Their plans are unworkable and would result in closure of the library and loss by the community of our public building.  Click on the link below to view a full report prepared by a former Chair of our group which explains the issues.

A Review of the Carnegie Project Group

or here for summary of the report

Review of the Carnegie Project Group (Summary)

One thought on “Communication from the Chair of the Friends to all members

  1. Isn’t all this somewhat irrelevant at this stage following the adoption (some time ago) by Lambeth of the Community Hubs programme and more recently (on 30th January) the announcement by Lambeth that funding will be withdrawn for Carnegie Library in 2016. Lambeth have made it clear that (1) they wish to transfer the buildings ownership to a community based trust and (2) there is no statutory obligation to fund Carnegie Library but nonetheless they have invited interested parties to bid for funds to run a Community Library at the site. Time is short and the Friends should be concentrating on how this is to be achieved in the timescale whilst working constructively with the Shadow Trust to facilitate it. If need be the management of the “Friends” should be replaced with persons able to do this without the negative approach evidenced in these postings.

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