Local elections 22nd May

With the local elections coming up on 22nd May, representatives from Libraries for Life for Londoners (LLL) have prepared a list of suggested questions to put to candidates regarding library services:


1.  Do you visit your local libraries?

2.  Have you examined the Council's library book budget?

3.  Do you know how well your library service is doing from its own issues/visits figures and the comparative tables released by CIPFA in collaboration with the DCMS?

4.  How important do you consider the presence of an accessible library service to be, with what it offers, to the various sections of your community?

5.  Do you know if your local library, and your library service in general, fosters and contributes to literacy, reading attainment, reading for pleasure, knowledge, and information?  What are the outcomes of its provision, activities, projects and events?

6.  If your beliefs on the provision of a "comprehensive and efficient" library service are not in tune with the political party you represent would you be prepared to challenge and/or vote against your party?

7.  How accessible are your local ward libraries to families, children, the elderly, the infirm, the disabled?

8.  Are you able to recommend a well-stocked, well-run, accessible library in your ward and in your borough?


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