Take a Stand – Protect Our Libraries!
We heard at Lambeth’s Cabinet meeting on Monday 24th February that a 21% cut to Lambeth’s libraries budget is just fine. The Lambeth Council Cabinet expects to impose its will on The Council without debate at the next Council meeting on Wednesday 5th March.
Wednesday 5th March - 6:00 pm
Please come to the Town Hall at 6:00 pm, before that next Council meeting on Wednesday 5th March (the Council meeting starts at 7pm) and let The Councillors know that we are not OK with The Cabinet's £1 million cut to the Lambeth Library budget. (The total library budget is £4.7m and this has barely changed in 40 years.)
Don't Steal Our Libraries T-Shirts will be given out at the demo (while supplies last) to all those who support Lambeth Libraries and the Lambeth Library Service, run by professional librarians, free at point of use, as required in law:
7 General duty of library authorities.
(1) It shall be the duty of every library authority to provide a comprehensive and efficient library service for all persons desiring to make use thereof, . . .
How many people have already signed this petition?
Over 2,345
Spread the word: No cuts to Lambeth Libraries!
Visit the Campaign website:
(We've been here before)