Take a Stand – Protect Our Libraries!

We heard at Lambeth’s Cabinet meeting on Monday 24th February that a 21% cut to Lambeth’s libraries budget is just fine. The Lambeth Council Cabinet expects to impose its will on The Council without debate at the next Council meeting on Wednesday 5th March.

Wednesday 5th March - 6:00 pm

Please come to the Town Hall at 6:00 pm, before that next Council meeting on Wednesday 5th March (the Council meeting starts at 7pm) and let The Councillors know that we are not OK with The Cabinet's £1 million cut to the Lambeth Library budget. (The total library budget is £4.7m and this has barely changed in 40 years.)

Don't Steal Our Libraries T-Shirts will be given out at the demo (while supplies last) to all those who support Lambeth Libraries and the Lambeth Library Service, run by professional librarians, free at point of use, as required in law:

7 General duty of library authorities.

(1) It shall be the duty of every library authority to provide a comprehensive and efficient library service for all persons desiring to make use thereof, . . .

Sign the Petition Now

How many people have already signed this petition?

Over 2,345

Spread the word: No cuts to Lambeth Libraries!

(We've been here before)

Library of Sanctuary

On 4 February the City of Sanctuary organisation recognised the work Lambeth Libraries do in supporting refugees, asylum and sanctuary seekers and we were awarded Library of Sanctuary status.

To celebrate the public libraries who go above and beyond to welcome people seeking sanctuary, we have the Libraries of Sanctuary Award.

The key criteria for the awards are:

  • Learn: find out what it means to be seeking sanctuary; and be actively involved in awareness raising.
  • Embed: take positive action to make welcome and inclusion part of the values of your organisation or community, to support sanctuary seekers and refugees, and to include them in your activities.
  • Share your vision and achievements: let others know about the positive contribution refugees make to our society and the benefits of a welcoming culture to everyone.

"This has been something we have been working towards for nearly two years so we had a library service that could support this new part of our community and welcome them to Lambeth." - Susanna Barnes - Head of Lambeth Libraries

Sign the Petition

Lambeth Libraries provide a frontline service for our communities. Not only do they have computers - a necessity for everything from job applications to claiming benefits - but also a wealth of books, films, and music. 

Lambeth's library service costs almost the same as it did 40 years ago and yet is winning awards - most recently being awarded Library of Sanctuary status for its support to refugees and migrants. It is also a finalist in the British Book Awards Library of the Year

However they are threatened by 25% cuts. The budget has hardly risen in 40 years so they are working at the margins of their capacity, "making bricks without straw".

These reductions would greatly hamper Lambeth Library's ability to serve its local community - a place where people, myself included, have come to depend upon their services. Let's take a stand against these cuts and protect Lambeth's library service, our sanctuary, a source of enrichment and a bastion of community spirit.

Please sign this petition.

Voice your resistance, and help ensure that Lambeth Library continues to serve our community, win awards, and remain an essential hub for us all. Spread the word and support our cause: No cuts to our beloved Lambeth Library service!

Share this petition in person or use the QR code for your own material. Download QR Code

Lambeth Council Cabinet plans to slash library budget – leaked

The Lambeth Council Cabinet is going to table plans to slash £1 million from the library budget at the next Cabinet Meeting on Monday, 24 February. This is sudden and unexpected and comes without consulting The Lambeth Library Service or even Councillors.

There will be a demonstration outside the Lambeth Town Hall (opposite Windrush Square, in Brixton) and in the Lobby at 5 pm on Monday, 24 February. The meeting starts at 5 pm. Please come to the demonstration to show your support for The Carnegie Library, and all of the ten Lambeth libraries, and let the Council know that the public will not accept destruction of its libraries.

£1 million is almost 25% of the total library budget of £4.2 million, a figure which amazingly has not changed in 40 years. (With inflation this means the budget has already eroded by about two thirds since 1984.) This in the context of the Council's £1.47 billion annual gross expenditure (2023-24).

Please attend the demonstration on Monday, 24 February (5 pm at the Town Hall). Make your voice heard.

Look for news of further developments on this website or in local press, such as Brixton Buzz

Sign the petition.

Wear the T-Shirt.

Join The Friends.

Library of the year – Finalist!

Our library is a finalist for library of the year!

Library of the Year - The

Regional & Country Finalists
Proudly sponsored by DK, in association with The Reading Agency

This is a great tribute to the exceptional team of creative and resourceful librarians we have in Lambeth, led by Zoey Dixon MBE at The Carnegie and Susanna Barnes, Head of Lambeth Library Services. We know that The Carnegie Library is one of the things that makes living in Herne Hill very special. It is a priceless public asset.

“The exceptional entries to this year’s Library of the Year award demonstrate the vital role that public libraries play in our communities. Each finalist has shown remarkable innovation in developing projects that not only promote reading but also create meaningful connections and support local needs. From digital literacy initiatives to inclusive community outreach programmes, these libraries have shown extraordinary creativity in adapting their services to reach new audiences while maintaining their core mission of fostering a love of reading. These finalists represent the very best of what modern libraries can achieve, proving that they remain essential, dynamic spaces of learning, creativity and community engagement, with reading at their heart.” – Karen Napier MBE, CEO, The Reading Agency

Queer as Folklore – Sacha Coward

Tuesday evening, 11 February at 7pm (6:30 for tea & cakes)

The Hidden Queer History of Myths and Monsters with author Sacha Coward

Journey across centuries and continents with the unsung heroes and villains of storytelling, magic and fantasy. Each chapter investigates the queer history of different mythic and folkloric characters, both old and new, featuring images from archives, galleries and museums around the world.

Please register to reserve a free place and help with planning for this event.

View the livestream for up to 30 days on the Carnegie Library Facebook page.