Report from the Oversight and Scrutiny Committee meeting on 11 March


Laura Swaffield (Friends of Carnegie Library, Chair of Friends of Lambeth Libraries) was there and addressed the OSC on behalf of all Friends of Lambeth libraries. Priscilla Baines (Friends of Durning Library) was by her side.

Priscilla Baines (Friends of Durning Library) reports:

"The good news is the very extensive and apparently genuine support for libraries among all the councillors who intervened, all saying how important libraries were to local communities because so many local people relied on their services.

"The enthusiasm for libraries of Donatus Anyanwu (Cabinet Portfolio Holder) came over well and he said several times that there were no plans either to close any libraries or to cut opening hours.  Neil Fenton (the Council Officer) confirmed this and he and Donatus both said that no staff cuts or redundancies were planned.

"Not clear how that is to be achieved when there are currently 14 (or is it 16 or is it 9 - that is still not clear) unfilled vacancies or frozen posts and there is widespread anxiety among library staff about the possibility of job cuts or industrial action.

"There was some discussion about possible revenue from room hire etc. but no one saw that as a serious way of raising money.

"The conclusion is that we need to get Donatus et al. to commit to keeping 10 libraries open with the same opening hours and adequate staffing levels to achieve that: no one wants unscheduled closures and that can only be achieved with proper staffing levels."

"The OSC chair scratched together some recommendations, rather on the hoof - 
- ensure that libraries remain a free space for local groups
- no closures or reduction in hours
- no job cuts
- any future vacancies to be filled
- resources to be used flexibly to ensure no unscheduled closures
- a survey in 2026 to see effects of cut on user satisfaction
- room hire to be less for small/community groups
- better communication with staff, at an earlier stage
- work with Friends groups and trusts

She declined a request to pause the whole cut."

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