Lambeth Libraries Children’s book Festival and much more for June…

Go to library websiteopen-to-discovery Lambeth Libraries Children's book Festival and much more for June... Lambeth with Lambeth Libraries Children & Young Peoples Readers and Writers festival

June is another busy month and we've got a fantastic line up of events and activities for you to do online. There are many celebrations during June and hopefully we have something for everyone whether you're celebrating LGBTQ+ Pride, the Windrush generation, Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month, Refugee week or are a lover of authors and great writing. 

In particular this month we have wonderful stories and children's authors for the young ones. Do check out the Lambeth Libraries Children & Young People’s Festival 2021 where you'll find much to do and enjoy. In the physical world, library services across Lambeth continue our gradual opening up. You can book an appointment to use a PC, to print, photocopy/scan, browse, or study just call or email your local branch during opening hours and, as always, we'll be happy to help. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us at Our plethora of free online resources is still available for you to enjoy so happy reading / listening / watching / learning!

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