Carnegie Library on YouTube!

A video about our library and its current plight has been posted for view on YouTube. Made by brilliant young film maker Kaatje Jones, it runs for just under ten minutes and highlights some of the groups and activities in Carnegie Library, which are all under threat of ceasing on 31 March, if Lambeth persists in its plans.

Please watch the video on Video and support our campaign to keep a full library service, run by our dedicated professional staff, with all the clubs, groups, events and activities we now enjoy, plus more being developed and facilitated by the Friends.

Tate South Lambeth is facing similar problems, here is their recent newsletter:
Tate South Library Newsletter

Details of the library service management plans to keep all 10 libraries operating are here:
Library service plan.

Saturday 6 February is National Libraries Day. Come and show how much you love and need the library and what it means to you. Highlight of the day will be a rally at 2.00pm on the steps of the library. Look out for leaflets and posters and come out in force. Afterwards, visit our tea and yummy cake stall, play chess, do some gardening or attend Councillor Agdomar’s surgery.

On Wednesday 27th January there will be a Council meeting at which the Lambeth libraries campaign have a motion calling on the council to support the libraries management plan to continue a genuine library service at all 10 of Lambeth's libraries. Please come along to show how important libraries are to Lambeth residents.

One thought on “Carnegie Library on YouTube!

  1. I’m Spanish and I’m writing from Spain, I’m really sad about this unfair situation. It was really my favourite place to visit almost every time I come to London and I come quite often. I’m preparing to take the IELTS next year and I’ve always found there the perfect place to study, enjoying the garden and being helped by all the nice staff. Congratulations for who made the video just wishing if this can be helpful to show how all the friends of the library and the community can be so unhappy with this situation.

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