Sign the Petition

Lambeth Libraries provide a frontline service for our communities. Not only do they have computers - a necessity for everything from job applications to claiming benefits - but also a wealth of books, films, and music. 

Lambeth's library service costs almost the same as it did 40 years ago and yet is winning awards - most recently being awarded Library of Sanctuary status for its support to refugees and migrants. It is also a finalist in the British Book Awards Library of the Year

However they are threatened by 25% cuts. The budget has hardly risen in 40 years so they are working at the margins of their capacity, "making bricks without straw".

These reductions would greatly hamper Lambeth Library's ability to serve its local community - a place where people, myself included, have come to depend upon their services. Let's take a stand against these cuts and protect Lambeth's library service, our sanctuary, a source of enrichment and a bastion of community spirit.

Please sign this petition.

Voice your resistance, and help ensure that Lambeth Library continues to serve our community, win awards, and remain an essential hub for us all. Spread the word and support our cause: No cuts to our beloved Lambeth Library service!

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