Sunset Over Herne Hill – John Ruskin and South London

With author Jon Newman - Tuesday evening, 10th May 2022, 7:00 to 9:00pm

Join archivist and author Jon Newman to discuss his latest book, written in collaboration with the Herne Hill Society. This is the first book to look in detail at the importance of South London in shaping Ruskin’s thinking.

For all his foreign travels, public lecturing, academic posts at Oxford and work for London’s museums, Herne Hill was the place where Ruskin lived well into old age. Here Ruskin witnessed, with increasing horror, the destruction of the natural environment through railway building and uncontrolled suburban growth.

Presented by Friends of Carnegie Library and part of the Lambeth Readers and Writers Festival

Attendance is free! - at the library or live-streamed online (register with eventbrite)

(Every second Tuesday of the month, The Friends host an author event at the Carnegie Library)

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