Lambeth Libraries getting ready for the summer and July events

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Summer Reading Challenge

Wow... summer is here! This year it comes with some hope that we can get out and about and start to do some of the things that we've had to miss for a year or so.

July sees the start of the annual Summer Reading Challenge for children; the library reading scheme encourages children aged 4 to 12 years old to set themselves a reading challenge of six books over the summer. In the process helping to prevent the summer 'reading dip' and motivate children to keep reading, to build their skills and confidence. Children must be a library member to take part but don’t worry if you haven't done it yet, you and the children can join here and it’s free. Of course we've got a fantastic line up of other events and activities for you to do online during July too.  

Do keep in contact with your local library services as things continue their gradual opening up. We'd love you to come in and browse where possible - just book an appointment and the library is yours! You can book appointments to use a PC, to print, photocopy/scan, browse, or study just call or email your local branch during opening hours and, as always, we'll be happy to help. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us at Our plethora of free online resources is still available for you to enjoy so happy reading / listening / watching / learning!

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